Timothy R. Levine

Professor & Chair of Communication, University of Oklahoma

My expertise involves the topics of lying and deception, truth-default theory, interpersonal communication skills, credibility assessment & enhancement, interrogation, persuasion/influence, and social scientific research methods. 

Student, media, speaking, consulting, and expert witness inquiries are welcome.

Hello and Welcome. 

This is the online home of Tim Levine, Professor of Communication, deception researcher, speaker, and author.

Student, media, speaking, consulting, and expert witness inquiries are welcome. E-mail: levinet111@gmail.com

My book is titled Duped and is published by the Univ. of Alabama Press (2020). It tells the story of my deception research and covers truth-default theory. https://www.uapress.ua.edu/9780817359683/duped/. It is also available on Amazon.

I am the author of Truth-Default Theory. I have been researching human-to-human deception for 30 years.

I teach classes at OU on human communication, persuasion, interpersonal communication, communication and relationships, deception, and research methods.

I do training and consulting for attorneys, law enforcement, and security/intelligence professionals and others on the topics of deception detection, interpersonal communication skills, credibility enhancement, and persuasion/influence.

I provide lectures / speaking engagements on the topic of deception for foundations, community and professional organizations, academic intuitions, government entities, and anyone interested in social science.

Please e-mail me for article reprints or see the links to my articles in the various pages.

 My research interests and areas of expertise include:

• Deception, Deception Detection, Credibility Assessment and Enhancement, & Educing Information

• Interpersonal Communication

• Persuasion, Social Influence, & Compliance-gaining

• Communication in Social and Personal Relationships

• Culture & Communication

• Scale Construction & Measurement Validation

• Statistical Conclusions Validity

These pages were written and designed by me. I took the background photos on Maui, Hawaii.
